Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Utopianist Guide to: Car Camping

That's the title of the first book. It's currently under construction and though The Utopianist and her (my) guides hope to encompass all manner of adventurous living, waxing gastronomic and philosophising green, the main focus herein will be on old fashioned car-camping with a gourmet, city-slicker tilt.

As you might expect from someone calling themselves The Utopiainst, I'm an idealist. I can't help it, I have fantasies of hazy days, verdant and romantic. In my Utopia we all enjoy good health, love and fulfillment. It's a place where we take what we need, and share what we've got. Where we maintain our intuitive, animal selves as we cultivate our cerebrum.

Along with my Utopist tendencies, I'm a sybarite, wanting to taste beautiful foods and share them with lovely people. I also have a slew of opinions on design, nutrition, health, fitness, the environment and active, adventurous living. Through all of these elements, I aim to get people outside because if we interact with the outdoors, reacquaint with it, we'll become much more likely to want to protect it -the experiential and health benefits that come along with being active in the outdoors are an added boon.

I intend to avoid fads, resist reflexive consumer culture and stick to enduring, intuitive methods. I'm not here to proselytise or to cluck a judgmental tongue at anyone.

I do want to chronicle my pursuit of adventure, good food, and a balanced life.

So, let it begin, here I'll show you how to do everything from pack your provisions, choose your campsite, set up camp, eat the most delectable, healthful foods at camp and get fit, rested and well, in the beautiful great outdoors.


The Utopianist.

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