Monday, July 21, 2008

Moment of Green: Zoom

Up at the house by Ten Mile River, NY.

I'd also like to add that about a week later, from this very same window, a little closer to dusk, when the light was more blue and the grass looked less green, I saw a white something come into my peripheral vision. I took a moment to adjust, blinked like my eyes weren't working cuz it looked like a goat was in the garden where the deer usually are. I walked over to the windowsill, closer to the apparition and realised it was, in fact, an albino buck. And like with all mythical creatures, it eluded record -my camera was completely without battery. I ran downstairs, tiptoe style and told the housemates to look. We all watched for a long while, as it moseyed and ate it's way around the pond. Dreamy.

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